This was a very special day for me~ even with the rain.
My mom, Thelma June (TJ) Pletcher died from breast cancer back before pink was even assigned as the color to rally behind. My mom lived and died during a time when people didn't talk about breasts, mammograms weren't even developed, and no one talked about cancer, death or dying. She survived living with cancer for years before celebrating survival was cool.
But I choose not to remember my mom this way. I choose to remember her joy. A few things about my mom: she was 5'12"~ my mom refused to be 6' tall. She made all of our Halloween costumes. She got in trouble at the District Conference meeting for our church because she switched out the grape juice for REAL wine for the communion service. The summer after her double mastectomy, we took a family canoeing trip. Goofing around, our canoe flipped and we all went under. A quick, panicked pat-down and look around confirmed that the cotton forms Mom used as breast replacements were floating down river without her. This was at a time when breast reconstruction wasn't perfected.

So, whenever possible, I sponsor events which honor and personify my mom to keep her alive in our memories and hearts.